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City of York

Fire Department


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Assisting York Police Department on the scene of an accident
York Fire Department provides Fire and EMS protection out of a central downtown station located at 815 N. Grant Avenue.  The York Fire Department is a combination department staffed by The Fire Chief, a Training/Safety Officer, and 12 Shift personnel which are complimented by a dedicated Volunteer Staff. 

The department provides fire protection for the City of York and by inter-local agreement for the York Rural Fire District.  The department houses, staffs and maintains all fire apparatus owned by the City of York and the York Rural Fire District. 

The York Fire Department provides an Advanced Life Support level of pre-hospital care for the City of York and surrounding communities through an inter-local agreement designating the department as the county ambulance service.  Inter-Facility transfers are also provided for the 2 hospitals located within York County.


Tony Bestwick photo

Chief Tony Bestwick
Fire Chief
Contact Chief by emailing him directly


Fire Station
815 N Grant Ave
York, NE 68467

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